Konečná M.

Sochor M., Duchoslav M., Forejtová V., Hroneš M., Konečná M. & Trávníček B. (2024): Distinct geographic parthenogenesis in spite of niche conservatism and a single ploidy level: A case of Rubus ser. Glandulosi (Rosaceae). – New Phytologist 242: 1348–1362.
Sochor M., Šarhanová P., Duchoslav M., Konečná M., Hroneš M. & Trávníček B. (2024): Plant kleptomaniacs: geographic genetic patterns in the amphi-apomictic Rubus ser. Glandulosi (Rosaceae) reveal complex reticulate evolution of Eurasian brambles. – Annals of Botany 134: 163–178.
Sochor M., Šarhanová P., Duchoslav M., Konečná M., Hroneš M. & Trávníček B. (2019): Plant kleptomaniacs: geographic genetic patterns in the amphi-apomictic Rubus ser. Glandulosi (Rosaceae) reveal complex reticulate evolution of Eurasian brambles. – Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 10: 163–178.